Items and the force can also be used for special attacks. The lightsaber combat is rather simplified with a system that lets the player lock on to the nearest enemy using the R1 button. The player's primary weapon is a lightsaber used to fight through waves of enemies and deflect blaster shots. Players can choose from one of five prequel-era Jedi and run, jump, slash, and use the Force through the game's ten levels, starting on the Trade Federation Battleship and ending with the battle against Darth Maul on Naboo. Emphasis is placed both on completing jumping sequences and defeating enemies. Jedi Power Battles is a mix of a platform game and a beat 'em up.
Here, players control Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Plo Koon as they battle against Trade Federation battle droids. Jedi Power Battles allows for two players to progress through the game.